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Say works on the host
KnightHawk is Offline
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Default Say works on the host - 12-14-2002, 02:35 AM

The anouncments work when the host is in the game playing but the messages look like they are coming from the host. I want to know how to make the messages to work on dedicated server even on a regular server I want to know how to set anoucements from the server instead of from the host. I found another program that sends messages that are from console but I have seen messages from certain ppl that aren't in game. I want to know how to do annoucements from a certain person like a clan server god or clan server master. as in my clan is uws I want it to come out (U.W.S.) Server god: Please visit us at or what ever. if you have ran crow kings auto kick you know how it starts out. someone please help. tell me how to set a server config if the kicker can't do it that way. thanks
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