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Exorcist is Offline
Posts: 96
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Atlanta, Ga, USA
Default 12-14-2002, 10:35 AM

The problem with the Sennheiser's is that while they are great for audio such as for music and movies, you bet, when i putem' on for MOHAA and others games I enjoy playing, they can't seem to pickup all the ambient sounds and they just wind up sounding muffled. I know it sounds strange but if you had a chance to try them you'd see very quickly what I mean. I'm taking them back today and instead of "upgrading" my headphones (my $30 earclip Sony's work the best so far), I'm gonna invest into some 3D glasses. The one's I'm gonna get are the one's mentioned on the homepage of (here). Read the review. They get an unbelievable review from the guy who critiqued them. A waste of a $1OO? Maybe, but I've always wanted a set for my 3D games. We'll see . . .

Thanks for the feedback,BTW.

Steve . . .
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