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Dr. Deleto is Offline
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Default 12-14-2002, 04:36 PM

just last night I had a guy join our server and immediately start teamkilling. I noticed he was doing it after he had already hit a -5 score. I simply asked him to stop teamkilling. When his reply came back as something like "Fuck you fag" I told him that if he did it again i was going to boot him. needless to say he did it again so I kicked him. Now this guy came back 5 or 6 more times continuosly changing his name and teamkilling. Finally I got sick of it and told him flat out "Look man, I don't kick by name I kick by ip. So guess what you are now......BANNED!" Now if you want to whine about people kicking you from their server for no reason then maybe you should think about the fact that we admins have to put up with shit like this all the time and are becoming quite sick of even letting it happen. Ussually it's the person who makes that odd comment about any little thing that ends up turning into the new server bitch. Maybe they thought you were about to cause problems so decided not to give you that chance. Now even I will admit that they probably jumped the gun on that decision, hell I even warn the people who have blatantly disobeyed the server rules that they will be kicked after 1 more infraction. but the point still stands that when shit like that happens I personally have to stop playing the game (which is what the server is for) and deal with it. Next time instead of stressing over who kicked you for what, just go on into another server. Your just letting them beat you since it takes even more time out of your gaming to come here and post about it.
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