Post porn and you get a good slap around the head

On the topic of Alcomahole, Jimmy Beam was the stuff I drank, before I stopped drinking. It is the most brutally amazing drink ever, suckin that stuff down straight really opens your eyes

It's a real mans drink
Maybe ( as Von P has been asking ) we should have a World War 2 History Forum ??
Maybe we could all try and draw some artwork related to WW2/MoH:AA ?? Bring back the short stories that were so good ??
Theres heaps we could do, just nobody ever does anything

I've got a whole story typed up, but the time passed and I forgot all about it. Be creative guys, start getting this community back to the way it was. Start doing some edits like MI TROOPER (come back mate !!!!) ?? But please be mature and think about what your posting. Especially you General Stukoive, I've seen pretty much nothing but useless posts from you, smart'n up.
Anyways, just be more creative guys, have some fun, but be smart.