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imported_Sitting_Duck is Offline
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Default 12-15-2002, 01:24 PM

Thier like dope dealers, they know we are coming back for the product.....regardless of its quality. After we buy some bunk we may not buy the next bag from them. But then they pop up with a new drug for our pleasure.........BF42......can you only imagine what the expansion pack will be like if EA produces it? Well the first sign of how bad it will be is....the Itailan Army....what Army? LOL!!!!

As for the EA sports franchise, the latest PCG said basically don't bother on the latest hockey game...why? Nothing new, and the AI is screwy.....sound familiar? But yes its all about money, the origional post wasn't hard to assume. But having it in print in such a way just adds to the conspirecy. It was the 2nd gunman in the grassy noll I swear it!!! Quack! oOo:
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