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=FM=1st Lt prey is Offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Default 12-15-2002, 02:51 PM

FFS! lol DAMMIT dont you read? :)

OK look go to auto-kick `double-click` to start the program, enter server IP number/port number and rcon password ok so far?

Right to make your little console spam messages every 2 minutes just goto `options`/announcements then type the msg in, set time and sequential or random or whatever, now save it.

Return to front page of auto-kick (page with ip number/rcon password etc) now change the name in the box labeled `Voice of...` to `SPAM-BOT` or whatever it is you want the console to print the msg as.

Now you get your remote spamming msgs, complete server kick/ban, say function/ map changer/ coffee maker etc etc

Is this answering the question or did I miss read the whole thing? :)

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