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The problem
KnightHawk is Offline
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Default The problem - 12-15-2002, 04:02 PM

The announcements work on the say command, on dedicated server it says say is NOT available from console. And on regular games the voice of comes in behind the host when host is spectating the messages don't go through cause they still are going through a player. I have tried a bunch of things but nothing let's me have the say come from the voice of without it being behind the host name. I have emailed crow king about the problem but no reply yet. I did something wrong somewhere cause autokick crashes on me now. I have mohaa runner but that sets up dedicated server, I am usually in the game so the dedicated won't work for me. I have tried using some of the commands that was in the server config that it made. When I think I got it working my friend can't connect to my game or find it listed on the games list.
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