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Shottie: the noobs and the skilled
latexdreams is Offline
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Default Shottie: the noobs and the skilled - 12-16-2002, 02:24 AM

[quote="{sKs}Blitzkrieg":e96e8] .....AS FOR A SHOTTY TOE-TO-TOE, AIM IN THE GENERAL DIRECTION, AND HE IS DEAD, NOT MUCH TOE-TO-TOE TO ME, BUT MY OPINION, ...........[/quote:e96e8]

i have to disagree with u guys on this point. there are plenty of times i have used the shottie, aimed in the general direction of the opponent and actually wind up getting owned.
in servers without realism, i admit i am a shottie whore. And im usually in the top three. high kills/low deaths
Shottie does take some skill to use. The short range of the weapon means i get owned in wide open spaces, from snipers, stgs, mgs, rockets, rifles. But indoors and not so open spaces, the shottie will outshine the smg, mg, rifle, etc. Moreover, the weapon forces you to walk, not run. you actually have to sneak up on people cuz to give away your position too early can mean death from an opponent at a distance. In maps like Stalingrad, the shottie is king. in maps like Destroyed Village or Brest shotties pray they can make it from building to building or tree to tree. Furthermore, you have to aim the shottie and only a direct hit will kill. otherwise u have to hit him twice or even three times with glancing fire.

Since i play in the SKS server alot and in alot of realism servers now, i mainly use the smg and the mg. And i am quite deadly with those weapons as well.

It's quite easy to avoid getting owned by the noobies with shotties by circle-straffing or strafing left and right. In fact, its easy to kill most noobs, cuz we all know they just 'spray and pray'. It's the skilled players who choose to use the shottie that u have to watch out for. So this is why alot of you guys are bitching about the shottie. The shottie in the hands of a skilled player is quite deadly. The shottie in the hands of a noob is nothin, even though they do get lucky sometimes.

Whether it's shotgun or machine gun, it dont matter to me. i'm good with them all. Well, i do need to work on my rifle and sniping skills. But thats coming along nicely as well. Depends on the map.

latexdreams aka your been wobbles
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