12-16-2002, 03:02 AM
I've played in matchs where 3/7 pl on there team where rocktes and the rest shottys, and yea sure at the time i got VERY mad , but in the end there is nothign u can do about it and it is there right to use whatever gun they can kill the best with. We rent our server so we have the right to and do say that in our server there are no rockets... thats the only option ppl who dont like them have.. find a server that doenst allow them or rent one yourself and say no rockets, other then that it doesnt matter about the athmospher of the public server or the fun for any person or group of people because the only person/ppl whos ideas matter in that server are the ppl who actually pay for it.
Now onto rockets themself, i look at it this way, in the game enharantly ppl will get mad when they die, usually when a person dies it is because of a mistake they made themself, and usually they know it, u went the wrong way or went around the door when u know someone would be waiting or somehow someway did somethign that caused yourself to get killed, immediatly there is that anger (espcially in obj because u have to sit out reste of the rnd) at the fact taht u died. And i feel that is what leads alot of ppl to transfer it to the person who killed them whatever the weapon maybe, "rocket n00b" "shotty whore" "nade spammer", all those things are buzz words so ppl can immedialty take off the anger they feel for getting killed and say its not my fault.
People can find somethign wrong with all guns out there, SMG toss's 32 bullets non stop at someone and some ppl could make an argument about that, sniper is usually one shot one kill or one shot then finished off with pistol (i have seen ppl call someone "whore" for finishing them off with a pistol after they shot them with sniper and took them to 4 hp). Shottys are good at close range so in a map like v2 if u go against one u MAY die. All those things come down to a rationalization of dying.
In the end it comes down to yourself.. if u are smart and know what your doing u have a good shot at A) Avioding B) Elimitatin the so called "whored" weapons, if your stupid then u will try to prove u are the shit and try to take out a shotty when hes right up in ur face, die then call the person who killed u a whore for not choosing to use the gun that would give u the better chance to kill him. Just play smart, tryin to anticipate where ur weak spots will be and where the worse parts to run into a shotty or rocket ect. will be and ull survive and kill. Simple as that cool: