Mohaa player hacked server...MUST READ to keep yours safe -
12-16-2002, 10:43 AM
Saturday Dec. 14th was the date. About 9:00 est a Real good player came onto the server. He/She was named Julie. REAL good like throughing perfect nades hitting perfect shots and everthing. So he/she friend *DooRSmacK* came on to the server. This is the most important part. He came on a left the most important clue. He said Julie change ur name back to BiTcHSlAp MiDgEt. Now I think a lot of ppl know who he/she is. He used to be in the pFm clan. After a while we made it to v2. While playing i started seeing this black and white train going through the walls and shit. Then I seen a dog appear on the stairs. Next i seen a boat and plane pop up and sit outside near allies start. After a minute we kicked all the other ppl that weren't in the clan. And the only new person there still was julie. I was an admin so i poped the console up. In the console I seen a message saying downgrading to c 47 something. Now I know a c 47 is a name of a plane but I know nothing else. So me and a friend start looking at Julie. Now as soon as she joined she wanted the rcon password. I don't know why but she kept asking for it. But of course i did not give it to her. Ok next we decided to get her ip so i copyed her ip. then kicked her. As soon as i did something poped up on the side of the screen saying IT NOT ME thats the only thing that came up. Not has entered the battle or anything. Just a bunch of shit saying it wasn't me. So we decided to let this person back in just for one sec. to see if anything else would happen. It did. A dog again appeared at the steps. But as soon as we kicked her it was gone. As of now i am debating on if i should post this person's ip. Which would ban them from your server and protect you. Please reply to tell me if u want her ip so u can ban her. Also i have all her personal info if u wanna destroy her stuff...(HaHaHaHa) but watch for omeone that goes by the name Julie. She can prolly do some serious stuff.