12-16-2002, 04:18 PM
How did my header give you the impression this was about RTCW?
An engineer is a pretty lame character. Look @ me I can disarm a bomb. OHHH, look I can plant a bomb. The medic was were it was at...the power of healing....ahhhhh, feel the power. Life or Death in your hands. The choice to heal or kill...that's true power...power POWER.....muhhhaaahahah (cough cough...)
Back to topic....
In case you are even wondering why I want to know how many Canucks play MOH:AA/SP? Well, its just going back to the whole 'Canadian's are Wimps' statement (And before anyone gets bent out of shape, this is not a debunk/attack Americans); but maybe that will be my next poll.
I just want to see how many Canadian's have pent up aggression, but according to the poll, looks like there are currently more Yanks out there (not too surprising).
CC M16: