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Default 12-16-2002, 09:16 PM

Originally Posted by Blitz
Well no fucking shit moron, most weapons get owned the first time they are used, but in just about all other actions Tiger II's whopped ass. Most of the time airstrikes were needed to take them out. The M-16 wasn't exactly a resounding success in it's first field trials either. As a side note, have you ever heard of the battle of Targul-Frumos?
not that excuse again. BTW, tanks get blown up because their armor gets penetrated. Early King Tigers had the same amount of armor as later ones, so your point of it being "new" is really dumb.

The problem with the M-16 was not with the M-16 but with the fact that no cleaning kits were issued, the M-16 worked fine... for a while, until they got gunked up with burned powder residue.
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