12-17-2002, 03:04 AM
God damn...You people are ALL FOOLS!
Art, whether it be film, paint, literature, music, Is all based on TASTE...Nothing is "Shit" or "Gay" Because one person thinks it is, its TOTALLY about prefrence...You can't compare two totally different films to one another, its just stupid. I enjoyed SPR more than LOTR....That's ME, and I enjoyed it for different reasons than the next guy. You can't expect anyone to agree with you by bitching and arguing. These arguments are fucking pointless, and they're not fun either, sometimes arguing can be fun...But this is just stupid. Its just back and forth...
"SPR is gay"
"No it's not, LOTR is gay"
"No its not, SPR is gay"
"No its not..."
And on it goes.
Some people are SOOO Narrow minded!
I hate that shit. It's so fucking annoying. I hate people that are serious when they insult people about their taste. Its dead stupid. If anyone here does that, I wish you a long, terrible, eternity in a dark, dank, corner of HELL.