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{sKs}Se7eN is Offline
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Default 12-17-2002, 03:21 AM

Ok, here is my two sense on this situation. I agree and disagree with various posts throughout this whole fiasco. I will outline and elaborate on each point---

1) Rockets, Shotties, Gewehrgrenate are n00b weapons.

My response to this is yes......but then also no. They all do require some deal of skill to be good with. Although someone wanting to come into a server and piss people off without caring about how they do will 9 times out of 10 use one of those weapons. Why? Because they are easy to kill people with. Sure, they will die alot but who cares, they just want to mess with people.

2) Airborne Butter comment about how in 2 minutes he contemplated why the 'nades were disabled on the server but rockets and shotties weren't.

Well that is impossible for him to not know because about every 30 seconds a message pops up letting server members know the rules and that certain weapons are disabled. This is your classic case of jumping to conclusions and speaking before all the facts are known.

3) Servers that disable weapons can't handle that particular weapon.

Again, this is false. I can and have been good at counter-acting these weapons. Our server is a 32 person max server. If we were to have these weapons allowed more often than not there would be a ton of people running around with the previously mentioned guns/launchers. Thus creating an enviroment that alot of people dislike. So that being said, we feel that this is the best way to handle our server.

4) How can we talk about this crappy server for 8 pages?

This so called crappy server is one of the most visited servers in all of MOHAA. We consistently rank in the top 5 in traffic daily. There were some router problems in the last week or so but even through all of that there were very few times the server had less than the max public slots (24) full. The router is fixed now and I played for a good portion of the night with it totally maxed out. We also, as I mentioned before, have all our rules and guidelines flashing up on the screen all of the time to let people know what's up. It is a very well managed server and we recieve multitudes of compliments on it. Our clan, merely a social clan, is growing daily and becoming more and more popular. We all have fun with each other and it shows.

With all that said, I think that the whole n00b weapon term gets overused a lot. Because it is true and false all in the same sentence. What lessons have we learned today class?

-Verify your facts before speaking.
-There really isn't such a thing as a n00b weapon.
-There really is such a thing as a n00b weapon.
-the {sKs} server is very popular. (Shameless Plug)

Take is easy all!!
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