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Captain_McCusker is Offline
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Default 12-17-2002, 05:21 AM

Originally Posted by MOMMA
For the die hards and cheaters that do it for sport, you may be right Cookie. But for the average person who dl's a skin or a pk3 and thinks their cheating.. this and other tools work pretty good. Also not all the features are geared towards cheaters, but undesirables for many reasons. I don't believe something like this will stop someone such as yourself but honestly most average people are just not willing to put the effort into legitimate cheating thank god. The actual population of hard core cheaters, while dedicated and technically savvy, is quite small in comparison to the big picture. Most who cheat fall into the other category I mentioned earlier. Hard cores believe the population is larger because that is who they hang with. No problem. However the longer a game is out, the greater the ratio is, not because there are more cheaters, but because average players move on, leaving the cheaters to play amongst themselves. I believe this tool and others like it are great for their target audience.
Perhaps, but that's not really the point of my comment to Cookie. While Cookie has never done anything to me or the AAN community, there are others who have made specific attempts at making AAN their home of senseless pranks and destruction. While this may seem like entertainment to them, the 75% of AAN's regulars who contribute feel as though someone's stealing from them. So, in good faith, I ask that such people pay for their own server to destroy and cheat on and leave the honest gamers alone to enjoy the game as it was intended.

Sorry, Yo, for getting off topic. All it takes is one bad apple (who claims to have changed their ways) to make a cynic out of ya.
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