Originally Posted by Tebo78
Hey, need some help here. I have been playing Moh multiplayer
for a long time. I have usually had one of the best "pings" on any server
I have played on. About a month ago that all changed. I have done nothing to my PC at all, and one day my pings all of the sudden are up in the 100-300's! Like I said, I didn't change anything on my PC, just doesn't work on moh MP worth a crap! As far as the internet goes, works great! Quick as hell. File transfers on Kazaa™ etc., works fine. Just the servers
are slow as hell. DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! I keep getting kicked on
every server I'm on! PLEASE, some suggestions would greatly be appreciated! THANK YOU! cry:
Oh, I'm running XP home with a cable connection. Usually
around 1.5Mbps upload speed on normal internet.
OK,a friend and I were discussing this EXACT same problem. I think if you use either A) a router, B) Kazaa, or C) Both, it will cause immense amounts of lag in your game.
Ask the guys from AAN.NET, whenever I play, 5 minutes in the game my lag shoots to hell. I turn of Kazaa, and everything is fine. It's only done this since I installed V2.11 patch for SH. Like I said, I have a Linksys BFR141 Router (4-port Cable/DSL, built-in switch/firewall). I dun't want to unplug it all to test this, but I think Kazaa causes a conflict.