Efficiency rating -
12-17-2002, 12:36 PM
[quote="{sKs}Se7eN":968d8]Ok, here is my two sense on this situation. I agree and disagree with various posts throughout this whole fiasco. I will outline and elaborate on each point---
1) Rockets, Shotties, Gewehrgrenate are n00b weapons.
My response to this is yes......but then also no. They all do require some deal of skill to be good with. Although someone wanting to come into a server and piss people off without caring about how they do will 9 times out of 10 use one of those weapons. Why? Because they are easy to kill people with. Sure, they will die alot but who cares, they just want to mess with people.
Again i desagree with this statement. Yes u can choose a shottie and run around and rack up kills but also die alot. But to do that in my opinion is quite lame. The entire goal for me when i go shottie is to not only rack up the kills but also to minimize dying. I've been playing 3d shooters since Unreal Tournament and i use to rank with ngStats. I was consistently in the the top 99%ile. And since i played with the top Domination players, we all pushed each other to have high effeciency ratings; ie High kills, Low deaths. My average EFF was 70%-75%. Worrying about my eff has carried over. So no i dont just run around blastin away. I play cautiously. I walk where most peeps run. I even stalk peeps and close in and make sure i'm at the right kill zone and got a good bead before i pull the trigger. So it's always been my goal whenever i play to maintain at least a 75% eff rating. When i'm not doing so well, i get annoyed and i force myself to work even harder to raise my kills and minimize my deaths.
Yes, there are guys who will have 50 kills in a game but also have like 40 deaths. Now u can tell this person is just running in there, and thats not a a lot of skill. Wouldnt it look better if he had 50 kills and only 10 deaths? I think skill is based on efficency. I consider it to be a personal victory be at least 75% in every map. My point is it doesnt matter what weapon you use. If you wanna use a rifle that game use a rifle. If u wanna camp and snipe, do so. If u wanna spray and pray, choose an smg. If u want stopping power, choose a mg. If u wanna hunt in the tunnels and tight areas with a shottie, go ahead. Every one of the weapons demand a different play style. But make sure you can maintain a high kill/low death ratio; that is, to be a highly efficient killer.