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Re: Armies in Iraq by Febuary 2003
Captain Bunny is Offline
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Default Re: Armies in Iraq by Febuary 2003 - 12-17-2002, 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by "Captain Bunny":e33e3
on a slightly unrelated topic, one of his mates is in signals, and apparently the average lifespan of a signals operator in a battlezone is three seconds. thats dating back with statistics from world war 2 onwards...
scary no?
not scary.... just dumb..... someones been talking shit to you pal.[/quote:e33e3]

why is it so hard to beleive?
Would you pass off tommy lee jones in rules of engagement for saying "the average life expectancy of a 2nd luitenent(i think) dropped into a hot LZ during vietnam was 16 seconds, 16 fucking seconds"
as shit? well you probably would but who gives a fuck.

signals is part of "radio operator" and havent you ever noticed that in war films the guy carrying the radio always gets killed?

Its not bullshit, its statistics taken from world war 2 all the way up to the present day.
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