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Unknown_Sniper is Offline
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Default 12-17-2002, 09:32 PM

My funniest kill(s) was at St Lo. I was an axis and spawned near the tunnel building. I went inside and waited for about one and a half minutes so it seemed. My patience paid off when 2 allies came running around the corner. I pulled the trigger on my smg and cut one of them down instantly with a head shot. The other guy ran back down the tunnel and hid. I checked for any grenades to get him and I found I had only one left. I pulled the pin right as 4 other allies + the one that had run away, start to look around the corner to see if I am still there. M16: I throw it down the tunnel and it lands in the middle of them eatthis: . By then I realise I just scored a bunch of kills. They all start to panic and start running trying to escape form a small little room when the nade goes off. I got 4 of them with the one grenade. One person escaped only to later be shot.
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