12-18-2002, 09:38 AM
Well it's time for me to kick in my 2 cents since Druid and I both have equal weapons mods on the MOB servers. First of all I created a balanced weapons mod a year ago because I was sick of getting on servers where people were constantly bitching about so and so having an advantage. I DO NOT advertise this as a realism mod but equal weapons. It allows, as Druid so eloquently put it people to rely on skill, and lets them pick the weapon they want knowing that they have an equal chance at the kill no matter what weapon they face.
As for the rifles, some of you big talkers need to come on our server and lets see what you score using the rifle. I consider myself to be an above average player and still find using the rifle a challenge, even with the rapid fire. I have played against many a player and I will tell you that there are VERY few players who can come on MOB's server and make a top score with the rifle.
The sniper rifle issue I am still working on and expect other tweaks to make it better.
Bottom line, most people who say the mod sucks are just not ready to face the reality that all things being equal, there are people out there who are better than they are.