12-18-2002, 11:41 AM
At first, when I saw the previews for LOTR, I said "What the hell is this shit". Ignored the craze, moved on with life. Then I bought the DVD because I wanted to have a DVD collection that suits all my friends, whenever they come over, I have a movie to please them. So I watched LOTR with my g/f, didn't expect to be amazed by it. Needless to say, I WAS amazed. I once bashed it, and once I've seen it, I've become a total fan to the epic novel. LOTR Action Figures now sit on my desk at work (Gimli and Uruk Hai), and there have been many times I've visited Borders or Barne's & Nobles and visited teh LOTR area, and ind myself wanting half of everything on it. I've never liked reading though, and I find myself tempted to pick up all 3 books and read them. No, I'm not gay, I don't have elf, dwarve, hobbit, or orc fetish, I don't dress up as and role-play the movie, and I don't quote anything from the movie. I just liked watching it, and in my free time, like to THINK about a different kind of world. It's very artistic and creative, some punks don't appreciate that. They find art in food and thats about it. If you don't like something, ignore it and shut up and let other people enjoy it!