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Status of the server
Hollywood is Offline
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Default Status of the server - 12-18-2002, 02:40 PM

EA, EA, EA. Basically, Rude says that it is a combination of 1) Lack of support from EA. 2) Lack of time due to other commitments, and uh, he does have a life. 3) The fact that EA doesn't even listen to the people and fix bugs and add features that we would like to see, but releases an expansion that has even more bugs then its predecessor 4) He spends too much time on this board filtering through all the crap that you people are posting (not all of you obviously).

The server may be dead for now, but that doesn't mean that it won't be revived in the future. I guess it's all up to EA. But, seeing as the Sims online looks to be a very prosperous investment for EA, we may not see any support for Allied Assault...ever.

Rude is giving his support to AAN. So stay tuned and maybe something will happen in the future. But as of now the server is not coming back up.
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