12-18-2002, 09:20 PM
I was in algeiers in a round base match. I ran in to the ally witch most peaple die from going in either direction depending on the spawn point with a sniper i change to my pistol and just as I go around the corner there's 3 axis with MG's and the server had reailism mod in it so I yell HOLY $HIT right as my mom comes by and i kill each of the axis guy's with my pistol not one of them shot me but did come close. I then switch to my sniper taking out 2 more axis on the roofs this happened a few months ago but today i had a better kill i was in the big section in algiers attacking the axis as usual who had taken the big section over. I jump out of the window balcony with a group of 6 axis guy runing up the long slope in front of me at close rang with a realism mod and me with my bar rifle I took one slow sweep with it taking out each of them. but then they all started respawning at the far end behind me and start shooting so i run up the slope the rest of the way grabing the health off of each of there dead carcusus but it did no good being shot from behind. lol