12-19-2002, 02:27 AM
Is anyone afraid to turn 18? I'm 17 and will be 18 in 2 weeks, but I'm scared shitless. God DAMN I am such a pussy. I'm not ready to be an adult. Then I'll have to leave the warm confines of my bag of Cheetos brand cheese snacks and my AA.com message boards. My mom still cooks, cleans, and does my laundry! Fuck! There isn't another sorry fat ass in the world like me. And she keeps saying "alright 2 more weeks, then I can legally kick you out!" I sorta hope she does. Then I can have hot, steamy, animal-like MAN sex in my room without the fear of mommy waking me up in time for school. Although secretly I wish she would.(?)
I'm kinda afriad she will! She did it to my sister, but that was cause my sister was stupid and droppped out. But whatever. I was going to, but they fired me from McDonald's for stealing the BigMac's secret sauce and masturbating with it in the women's rest room. You know, no job = show those fuckers off with my HIGH SCHOOL diploma. Then I'll spam those AA message boards. God I'm fat. Gotta have priorities, man. Gotta have priorities.