Originally Posted by vVolf
Hey, c00ki3 m0nst3r, lol! I was bored, so i made you a sig. I cant post it here, so go [url=http://www.alliedassault.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=323927#323927here[/url]. You dont have to use it... It was jut so i could practice. lol, i'm so bored and i havent got my Allied Assault game installed on here, and my CD is at EA. =[
link doesnt work.
also ive learned there is no honor among cheaters and its starting to piss me off. people who take cheats, rename the pk3 and claim it as theirs, even though inside the the pk3 it has a name tag of the original author. not only that but the hippocrities out there. it takes a cheater to know a cheater and im disgusted seeing cheaters in clans kick people and just say "he was wallhacking".... if they are gonna kick a guy for wallhacking they need to kick themselves.... just the damn hippocrities drive me up a wall. alsoa piece of mohaa has been lost since the chamleons have circulated... and it will never be regained.

i must admit landsharking, telenading, the mg42 trick, teleporting with the mg42's/ladders....... goddammit THATS what ruins a game is the lame game glitches like that and map glitches like DV, remagen, snowy park, among others... every map has a glitch that lamers just LOVE to exploit.