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Default 12-19-2002, 04:34 AM

[quote:194d6]You know Butters, maybe your friends have changed for the better. Your fascination with blowing up Nazis and violence is a little over the top. Put yourself in the place of a normal everyday soldier pushed into going to war by politicians and I think you would change your mind pretty fucking quickly about blowing the fucking crap outta someone. It's not pretty, and it certainly is not fucking cool. The sooner you kids grow up and realise war aint no fucking game the better.

I would choose LOTR over an action/war flick anyday. Tolkiens story is a classic, no over the top violence and blood shed, classic good against evil storyline set in a fantastical world, and it's a damn sight more interesting then seeing regurgitated America vs Nazi's movies over and over again, although Band of Brothers was an outstanding achievement, and is, IMO, the best war movie/series to ever be shown. Not because of the violence and the setting, but because of the human factor portrayed in it, by showing that war is a horrible thing and can destroy mentally the strongest of us or on the flipside make us stronger. [/quote:194d6]

I agree....If you watch SPR, BoB, or any other film as such for the point of watching Germans, or anyone for that matter, getting blown up...Then you are totally missing the point....You are also somewhat of a sick person, IMO.

SPR & BoB, are both ANTI-War films....They were made to show people the reality of war, the disgusting truth of it all....They weren't made to excite anyone about death and sadness.....That's just crazy.

I think people confuse, valour and brotherhood for somekind of promotion of death, violence and war....The only reason films promote the whole gallantry thing, is to demonstrate the human character under such pressure as war, and how some people can selflessly give their lives for people close to them....It's not always about Good over evil, beacuse the fact is, not all Germans had the same political beliefs of those running the government at the time...That's just an immature and plain ignorant belief.
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