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[504th]Arens is Offline
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Join Date: Jun 2002
Location: Maas-Waal Canal Bridge, Netherlands. (Dug-in, dodging bullets all over the place)
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Default 12-19-2002, 12:55 PM

Its because people use the specate mode to find out where other players are... I use it myself, I just automatically hunt down people I just saw hiding somewhere in spectate sometimes, something you do subcontiously...
Or if like this damn sniper keeps nailing me i can get pissed enough to just use the spectator mode as some kind of cheat.
Anyway, it would suck to have to individually kick ppl that are free spectating so I wondered if anyone ever looked into the paks and stuff to find something like that out... I'm hoping it shouldn't bee too difficult to make something like that...
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