Ok here is my list of ideas for the mod, I think you'll agree that they are sensible ones:
<LI>The addition of realistic blood and gore. Blood should only be seen when you shoot the enemy or when a comrade is shot in open skin areas, like the neck, hands or face. You should only see gore when an explosive round is detonated close to an enemy NOT GRENADES.
<LI>Inaccurate weapons when in regular FP view. There should be a weapon view mode like IN Operation Flashpoint for accurate shooting and your accuracy should be effected by your stance. If you are prone you will be more accurate. ETC
<LI>Good teamwork.
<LI>Good environments for cover and concealment.
<LI>Large, complex maps with great vantage points for both yourself and the enemy.
<LI>New weapons and weapon changes: deployable MGs, useable mortars, rifle grenades, bayonets, hitting people with your helmet, M1 Carbine, improved sound and animations for weapons maybe new skins or models.
<LI>New skins for the 101st Airborne, this will include the bloused combat pants and the camouflage in helmets and the patch of the 101st Airborne.
<LI>New features like smoking to increase morale and drinking from canteen to increase stamina.
<LI>A stamina bar which DOES NOT ALLOW YOU TO JUMP LIKE IN MOST GAMES but maybe just to jump over SMALL fences. The stamina bar would refill over time and would refill quicker by drinking from your canteen.[/list]
Well that's it if there are any more ideas I or any other member of the team would be happy to hear them.
The 3rd Parachute Brigade