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Hollywood is Offline
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Default 12-20-2002, 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by Ti4200
i stopped by the Mafia clan server a couple of nights ago. They had all weapons enabled. So i figured why not have some fun with the new Mauser gun. I couldnt reload fast enough, so i switched to the Rocket Launcher. I killed a couple of Mafia members so many times, that they said "Okay, no more Shotguns and Rockets". I think to myself, if you dont want those weapons, why not mod them out? I also said, if you dont mod it out, then ill continue to use what weapons i want to. They threatened to kick me, and before i could switch weapons, i was booted.

As a side note, there was no hint of "not allowed" weapons in the server name. So, what would you do? If they have no mod to disable or have no description in the server name, would you do everything they say?

I find it ridiculous to kick someone for this. I was not rude in any way either. Oh well. Simple rants. Post any experiences you have had on this server. Thanks.
Originally Posted by MPowell1944
its their server. dont like it? leave. simplicity at its finest. n00b

Ummm did anyone notice that Powell called himself a N00bie? Now you know how sick he is lol. They are the same person! oOo:
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