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panda-bear is Offline
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Default 12-21-2002, 11:13 AM

OMG you guys are pathetic. Why do you deny everything that I say when you know it's true...YES someone did ask me to participate on the Dec 10th tryouts. This is just one Screenshot that I can prove that you guys suck...I can just hop on everynight and take 5 of me owning your team into the ground like I did last night....that is if you don't get on and kick me off for no reason what so ever again...then not play me. You fucking pathetic pieces of shit. And Airborne, leave your wigger ass out of this, your just pissed cause mommy won't jerk you off when you turn 18 anymore.

Might as well post this one just for the hell of it...looked through the MANY screenshots of end game scores and this one represents them the best:
