12-21-2002, 11:36 PM
Here's your answer! Just figured it out myself not 20 minutes ago after MONTHS of screwing with it.... just change the path and file name as needed....
cull none
surfaceparm nolightmap
map textures/mohmenu/dmloading/MP_TractorWorks_DM.tga
clampMap textures/mohmenu/dmloading/MP_TractorWorks_DM.tga
blendfunc gl_one_minus_src_alpha gl_src_alpha
actually, the path should be EXACTLY the same, just add your path name. AND IF you are doing a SpearHead version, be sure to prefix/suffix ALL the pertinent files with the "mp_" and "_dm". At least for me that is the only way I could get it to work 100% of the time!