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Slyk is Offline
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Posts: 160
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 12-22-2002, 04:10 PM

Your angle depends on the ladders orientation to the world...more or less. If you've put a 'player start' into the map, take note of the direction that the white arrow is pointing out of the yellow box....this is 0 or 360 degrees (unless you changed it for some reason). Now, find your ladder. If you are looking at the rungs, what is your orientation to the player start? If you're looking the same direction as the player start arrow, then your ladder should be set at 0/360. Opposite is of course 180. Then you're down to either right 90 or left 270 degrees. Takes a couple times but soon you'll find your orientation easily.

Note that you also should set angles for any doors that are to open 'away' from the player. If they are not 0 or 180 degrees/facing the same way as the player start, then you need to give them an angle of 90.

Also make sure that your ladder clip overlaps the rungs by a couple units, mine are usually 2 units over the rungs.
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