did i miss something here ?
just let it go wookie . i never posted anything in those forums cause they were kinda hard on the eyes for me , because of the white background and all . so i never bothered

...but i realized that its not moderated as strict as this one , which is good in a way ....meaning all bets are off . alot of insulting and wize cracks go on there all in good fun . hell , i'd go there just to relieve some stress and make fun of people but i cant cause like i said before its hard on the eyes for me .
Kevin Kline: you know what your problem is ...you dont like Winners .
John Cleese: Winners? like in North Vietnam ?
Kevin Kline: SSHuTT UPP!! VietNam was A TiE !!
John Cleese: im telling you baby , they kicked your little ass there , they wipped your hide REAL GOOD!
Kevin Kline: ShUT UP!!
----a fish callled Wanda