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Default 12-23-2002, 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by HaVoc
swordfight: wow...

I've never really been a big fan of Star Wars, with that said I have picked up a few of the games which were rather enjoyable. But I've never unerstood this SWG game. What do you do? Like what is the point of it? It sounds like The Sims in a SW world from what I have seen so far...
If you've ever played Everquest, pretty much the same premise. You use your mouse, and a console-like menu @ the bottom of the screen to navigate. Think of this console like the menu from Maniac Mansion, heh (It's got all the cmds to click at.) When you talk to another person, you talk in Basic (English) or your language (I'm a Transhodan, so I speak Trodi). When you speak Trodi to another Transhodan, it comes up as garble for other players, but in english for any transhodans.
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