[quote="Jedi Marksman":615d6]
Originally Posted by CheLeMo
i'm a sniper in my online games, so i want to know how everybody snipes.
i don't camp a lot, i like to run around and pull off close range shots. i like to jump down on someone and shoot in the air and im really good at it. evil:
[quote="Jedi Marksman":615d6] a sniper does not run around gunning down people like a common rifleman. He/She waits, patiently, concealing themselves. Your shot should come from nowhere. Also, the most kills you should get from any one position is 2. After that, move. [/quote:615d6]
haha thats pretty funny. in my mind there are two kins of snipers. one the actual sniper that loves his hiding spots, even if he takes a kill or two from there. thats all he ever plays. hiding away, very coward like. the other is the actual sniper, more liek sharpshooter. hes the guy thats running around in halls, dueling with smgs on a constant rate. that to me is real sniping, not just hiding away.