K umm which program should i open .tik files w/? -
12-24-2002, 10:25 AM
im trying to make my own skins, and stop bothering vets when i want some, so i got a tutorial "Player skinning by Lay*Zee" and ive edited the targa files, but then it says to open pak0.pk3 w/ pacscape (nps there) find folder named models (done) in there u should find a bunch of .tik files (yes get on w/ it) these r tiki files (i guessed but yes, get on w/ it) find the pilot tiki files open allied_pilot.tik this is where i get prob, it askes me what program i should use to open it, and i dunno, the tutorial dont say. so, before i screw up my computer w/ random guessing (like my acrobat experiance lastime) plz somebody help