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Default 12-24-2002, 07:32 PM

I think what i've been saying is misunderstood. I'm saying this:

A target of opportunity, is a target of opportunity. If the guy is right in front of you, by all means, FIRE! What I'm saying is, taking a sniper rifle and then running around looking for an opponent to hit up close does not make any sense. . .to me. Play the game the way you like. Just like i will never flame anyone for using a rocket or a shotgun, I will not criticize anyone for the way they use a rifle. However, do not say to me that you are a "new breed" of sniper because you choose to "snipe" from 4 feet away. If this game is based on warfare then a sniper does what he does and the modern sniper training stresses stealth and concealment, the way it has always been.

I'll say this. It's not that I can't accept the fact that other players think of themselves as a different kind of sniper because they prefer to be up close and personal. Whatever helps you enjoy playing AA/Spearhead, as long as you don't cheat, I don't care. But for you to say that that is the way sniping should be because you enjoy playing a sniper that way is. . .incorrect, because in terms of military allocation that is not how a sniper is used. Now, let's play! biggrin:
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