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"New Age Snipers" VS Conservative/classic snipers
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Default "New Age Snipers" VS Conservative/classic snipers - 12-25-2002, 02:11 PM

Ok, if you all have seen the one thread about posting your sniping tactics, then you must have seen the "small" flame-war that's been stiring up.

I've decided to see what would happen here. If you are a sniper that likes to run around and kill-->considered a new age sniper

If you are a sniper that sits and waits for the kill, then you are the classic or conservative sniper.

I'm gonna start some kind of match between these two groups and I'd like to get some teams going. I was thinkg about the following teams:

New Age Snipers
1. Cethin
2. aNti hEro
3. Gary Coleman

Conservative/classic Snipers
1. [DAS REICH] Unknown_Sniper
2. Jedi Marksman
3. Counter-Sniper

If anyone wants to join a "side" please state so in this thread. Also, if anyone has server space or a good it up here (it will be appreciated)

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