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Check this out...
ilete2k is Offline
Posts: 44
Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: The guy with the knife in ur back
Default Check this out... - 12-25-2002, 09:30 PM

Alright, from reading several posts on the topic, i found that *most* of you dont think its cheating to force models with custom but non-neon skins on. As you all know we get holy hell from autokick, so i want to know how do i change the names of the skins so that dumpuser or whatever that f'n bot uses wont pick them up? If possible, explain it to me in detail cause im new at modding and stuff. Thanks a ton-


Now look, i dont plan on using neon skins, just regular clan skins for my clan pack. its nice to no get booted when i use them. All of u guys need to help those who are new at this and pass down some knowledge. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks again eatthis: swordfight: zooka: fire2: bigzooka: M16: M16: M16: M16:

["You can get much further with a kind word and a gun than you can with a kind word alone." ]- Al Capone
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