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Airborne Butters is Offline
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Default 12-25-2002, 10:41 PM

No you know what I'm fucking bitchin about is the fact that I get left to myself on christmas! You know that BoB is the only thing I got that was on my list? HUH did you know that? How about since I've been 8 I've asked for a fucking telescope but never got one. Instead she gave my cousin a telescope? What about that? You guys can go fuck yourselves! Considering I got about 4 gifts while my sisters got about 20 each, including the fact that my parents bought one of my sisters a house! WTF is that about? What about how on christmas when my siblings first go there license they all got NEW cars?

Oh and apologizing too her? I wake up this morning and say "merry christmas mom!" She turns and says "fuck off, I'm still not talking to you" Gee what mom is that loving ? She got BoB on DVD, the only thing I liked. She got me a bunch of clothes that I would never wear! And she fuckin knows this. Everyday she's trying to mold me into something that I'm not! I'm so fuckin tired of her. Even my sisters and grandmother agree. My sisters were like "Why is it we have more gifts than you, Eric?"

Boy howdy, good thing you guys know my mom better than I do! Hmm how about when she forgot my 16th B-day? OR heck, when she calls me a "fuckin loser" when I'm sick and can't go too school?

It's not like I didn't get anything for her. I got her a 150 dollar gift certifcate to Jo-Ann fabrics ( she likes sewing) and a 60 dollar frying pan.

Gee can't wait to wake up on my 18th B-day and get kicked out! Should be a wonderful fuckin time!
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