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Default 12-26-2002, 02:55 AM

Eh just do what i did. I disowned my sperm donor, commonly known as a father, and rarly talk to my mother. I have a great relaionship with my Mom, but when i turned 18 i was out the door and on my own, by my choice. Since then i've gone home 3 times. Twice for 2 days, and once for 3. You dont need parents, fuck i practally raised myself because my mom was working her ass off because of my fucktard "dad". Now im 20 working a full time job with benefits, making 1300 a month with a pay raise coming. Since i rule at money managment, IE im cheap, thats more than enough with a room-mate. Im not hurting now in the least.

Listen kiddo, i would have killed to have atleast one family member around growing up. Even if i had to put up with one bad one. You have your dad who maybe needs to help you out in this situation. Talk to him, not you mother, esspecially since she just cusses at you when you try.

In a pinch, since you have a good relationship with your sisters and such, perhaps they can loan you some cash. Which you will buy a loaf of bread with and eat a slice a day, until you get a job which should take no more than a week. Try and find some over night work, it pays well and dosnt hurt school schedules much. Once you have a job, start looking for a room mate or two and see about a place to live. Once you have all that in place, worry about bills until you have some SAVINGS behind you.

I knew a guy who acctually lived in a van down by the river (seriously). I went to school with him, he worked 2 jobs, plus school. His parents kicked him out for some reason i wasnt going to pry into when he was 17. He cant get an apartment at 17 so he bought a POS van and some blankets, one of his jobs was at a farm and he showered after work there. Not saying that should be plan A for you but just be resourceful.
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