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=FM=1st Lt prey is Offline
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Default 12-27-2002, 08:25 AM

#81 When your being `closed-down` with the sniper rifle, take zoom OFF then lean and cover the doorway. When they rush in to kill you shoot them in narrow doorway.

#82 When they rush in as above, HOLD finger on `drop` button, fire your rifle and hit DROP, this switches straight to pistol to finish them.

#83 When firing sniper rifle whilst crouching from windows the `instant` you fire the shot LEAN so that your reload animation is invisible.

#84 Repeat above for all sniper reloads.

#85 When crossing windows, crouch + walk + lean (always lean right side) this makes you invisible to enemy counter-snipers.

#86 Always lean around corners to the left whilst crouching down, never the right, this makes you almost invisible.

#87 When being chased run through a doorway, hit `close door` as you run inside, when it closes crouch and block doorway, now when they try and enter a few times, suddenly drop a close nade and run, now they all storm in and eat da nade, sneaky that one.

#88 When in a fire-fight DUCK, a good player always aims for da head, so you usually get the killer bullet before them.

#89 When being chased ALWAYS throw close nades in front of you, you can always get beyond them but chasing enemy will die.

#90 NEVER shuffle about when sniping, your visibilty to enemy is nearly trippled when you move positions (even tho you never realise)

#91 When sniping always `set the line`, hold aim in front of enemy and just let them run into it! Never follow them with the cross-hairs.

#92 When enemy is slow in approaching, SCREAM "Their a bunch of Cowards!" Taunt, this usually embarrases them enough to lose their cool and run out. (shockingly effective that one)

#93 Why the f**k shoot them, when clubbing is more humiliating? :)
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