Okay, if someone can help point out what is up here...
I have run the autoconfig and everything. I have a P3 903mh comp with an s4 Savage, all the latest drivers. I have 256 meg ram, and about 20 free gig.
I go to run the demo, and with everything configured, when i double click on it, it goes to a black screen, sits for a few seconds, and then goes khacki coloured, sits a few more seconds, and then cuts back to my desktop, but my desktop's resolution is set down to like 300x200 and i can only see a quarter of the screen, and i have to set it back
When i retry, it asks me if i want to use safe mode, and when i do, same problem. Any recommendations boys?
Albow0001: Proudly invented words since MOH:AA alpha...
"That's fularious"
"Holy shibble!"
"That's Highlarious!"
"It's from Zero Wang..."
Solidus is my Techie Bear! 'Nuff said.
Be afraid. We are coming.