12-28-2002, 01:02 PM
who is this all knowing all seeing bs anyway. the mods here are suposed to be in charge of the forum...we cant is a pretty lame answer..question is..why the heck not..its their job to keep an eye on this place but also be our voice for whatever we think will make this a better place..the only reason ive heard so far is this BS guy whoever that is turned it off so you couldnt change your post..WHAT???..who gives a rats ass if someone changes their posts.we deserver a better reason then that for making the change. further more the delete button needs to come back..ever post something here and it takes so long you think it didnt work.so you hit it again..and get multiposts of the same thing.thats what the delete button is for.come on joe..heres your big chance to show us your da man...get it done...BUTCHER