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Eight Ace is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Sydney
Default 12-28-2002, 05:28 PM

...yes, just the other day two Swedish backpackers on a working holiday came to my door
to see if I had any odd jobs for them, I got them to wash my car...but soon they started to
hose each other and were soon all wet and sudsy, they then asked if they could take a shower
and join me for a drink inside until their clothes dried.
Well, nothing like this had ever happened to me before, so after putting some '70s guitar
music with plenty of wah-wah, I took them into the bedroom and proceeded to help them out
of their wet T-shirts and cut-off shorts...well, one thing led to another, and pretty soon we were....

...wait!...sorry, I gotta go, there's someone at the door, gee...I hope it's Ursula and Ingrid again! oOo:
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