12-29-2002, 07:56 AM
lol and theres your answer!
We dont hate spearhead for what it is, it cant help being a crippled bastard child of EA games.
We hate spearhead for how its let us all down, to come here and see all the spearhead abuse you have to understand that this whole community was expecting nothing more from spearhead than an up-date of mohaa with a few extra features.
What was released was what felt like a mutilated mohaa, where all those `perfect` settings were f*cked with, and just about every original feature was altered in some way for the worse, for no reason other than the `new guys` at EA to use it as a test to gain experience.
I dont sit and complain about spearhead simply because it now sits on the shelf gathering dust, its not worthy of my time, I just get too frustrated every time I discover another bug.
*applaudes to EA* in-house development, a shining example of how not to make a computer game.