12-29-2002, 07:58 AM
Spearhead look like Castle wolfiestien with BF map .
First , i want to play a infatry only game . When i want to play vehicule game , i play BF . Medal of honor is not supose to be vehicule game . So all those stupid AA and AT gun make me sick.
3- The new speed (because map are big) ruin the gameplay of the original.
5- too many glicht or bug , the game look silly.
6- thats sad , the TOW and some other new feature are cool .
7- the map are ugly . I am almost sick just to look at map . I don't know who did the map , they should fired him.
8- the new sniper is boring , the old one was much more fun.
9- motard... bhaaaa don't even have a reload animation (cheapwork) , and it's just an annoying newbi gun. (like aa and at gun anyway)
10- ea are a buch of fags .
Spearhead is a good game , i can't say it realy bad. I just don't like it beause its not my style . I don't undertand why so many change in the gameplay , its just a expansion not a new game .