12-29-2002, 09:21 AM
1: Most of the multiplayer maps in Spearhead are single player maps from from MOHAA.
2: Ass sliding.
3: Lag
4: "Hyper, crack loaded, speed junky, with 3 triple mocha's" run speed.
5: Ass Sliding.
6: The 1 patch we've got dosnt fix anything.
7: Meaning the fucking ass sliding.
8: Lazy work with the "fine touching" such as reload animations for the MG-42 portable, and morter.
9: Promised SDK, was and is no where to be seen.
10: Weapons are poorly modeled.
11: Ass Sliding.
Basically they took MOHAA, slapped some bull shit in it and put it on crack then said it was ready to sell 3 months to early without testing it on a computer, let alone one with an internet connection. TOW is a joke designed to make you feel better about playing the same damn maps over and over again. While the portable MG-42 was put in to help teamplay it does nothing condiering its a fucking easter egg hunt to find it, and when you do its in the most god awful spot you could think of shooting from, so you have to move it, but you cant because you take a step outside and guess who you run into... thats right the enemy with his MG. Thats right his MG, because with the built in realism mode that 98% of the servers use the MG is the weapon of choice for the run and waist a whole fucking mag on a guy crowd. Basically they fucked it over.