Originally Posted by Exorcist
"Just press the search button at the top and type in what you're looking for."
OK, and HOW long have I been using a computer? (LOL) I can't believe I missed that! Thank you, Joe.
How is this site financialy supported? I'm justa one income family man, but maybe I could afford a little something each month or a donation from time to time. Really, your site means a lot to those of us out there who love the game. Just the other day, two guys I was playing in a game with, began exchanging some ruff words with each other during a Team DM in S-Head (you know how it can get sometimes), and I said, " Hey guys, remember its just a game". At which point one of the guys said, " No, this is my life!" At which point the stress relieved and we all had a good laugh about it. The point is, that we love this game.
BTW, am I the only one who liked the SpearHead add-on single player mission(s)? I thought it was great fun, and of course the multiplayer aspect of it was a welcome change as well.
Anyway, thanx for responding so fast.
Steve (Exorcist)
Not a problem. biggrin:
I've never really asked BadScript how he's able to pay for the funding of the site, nor do I want to know, as it probably costs a fortune, heh
The SP missions were cool, the game in general has its own issues. The MP maps reak.