12-16-2001, 03:42 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Thanks a lot man. I see it opens in winzip. So say I want to modify the look of a the rifle clip, all I need to do is to make another clip_rifle.tga file, and replace it in pak1.pk3? Or can i just give it the same filename and make my own patch called pak7.pk3?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You would put clip_rifle.tga into a brand new pack - pak7.pk3 would do. All you need to keep is the same directory structure as the old file. For example if clip_rifle.tga was like this in pak1.pk3:
Your pak7.pk3 needs to be the same, containing the directories weapons/textures/ and then your new texture file.